Is it soup yet?

Three soupy things;
We’re having soupy weather.

Last week it was pea soup fog, patchy but still areas where it was hard to see. I don’t know if you have fog in your area but we get it even though we’re over a hundred miles from any large body of water. What causes it is a dried lake bed now called ;
Tule grass land Because of this we have fog through our cold wet weather, that’s usually November through March.

This week though we are having rain. It’s making soup out of our Almond orchard. Today I was trying to take home YGF and her BF and the road I normally take was so badly flooded that I had to go another way.

And it’s suppose to rain like this all week and we may have an inch and a half of rain from this storm–so that’s a good thing.

Is that soup on your sweat jacket?

My daughter brought her coat out to the car last week and was holding it like it was a dead thing. My first thought was did you spill some soup on it? My second was or did someone sneeze on it?

It was nether.

It was amniotic fluid all over her jacket.

My daughter has been taking Ag classes because she is a transfer student to Madera south as an Ag student hence the Ag classes.

That day they were getting a tour of the Ag farm and one of goats went into labor; the teacher said, “quick someone hand me those towels.”

But none of the student moved and stared bug eyed at the small creature that was making an appearance from the goat’s nether regions.

Not my daughter though; she lept into action grabbing the towels and entering the pen, she proceeded to help deliver the three newborn’s and one under developed kid(baby goat). Unfortunately the underdeveloped kid didn’t survived even though my daughter did everything she could to help and the instructor was so impressed she call my daughter “a natural.”

And lastly My cat ate soup

My old cat Pookey was ill last week, she was coughing and sneezing like she had a cold(she’s better now). I gave her some left over soup and she ate it.

  • She drank the broth
  • But she shunned the carrots
  • She ate all the chicken bits
  • And then she spit out all the egg noodles into a neat pile next to her food bowl.

I didn’t know that cats could do that?

8 comments on “Is it soup yet?

  1. Hi Janice.
    Thanks for your visit,our weather
    is still pretty warm and is definatley not soup time.
    Hope all is well with you and yours
    stay well see you soon.xx


  2. Hi Gwen,

    Yeah, California and Australian are the yin and yang of weather around the world–while your hot were cold, and visa versa.

    We’re all well for once, hope all is well with you and your’s?

    Hi Glendwood,

    I got the name from a good friend of mine; she had a car with the name on her licence plate(I have no idea why).

    When my cat was born here at my house a whole month before my daughter was born(yeah, me and the momma cat were pregnant at the same time) it was the only name I could think of for the poor kitty that no one wanted.

    I’ve had her for 16 years now.

    I learn one thing from that incident; people who say “when your cat has kittens I want one”–are lying!!!

    Lady Jan~


  3. Hi Janice. AS Gwen says our weather pretty warm I say Bloody hot, but I must say we get some pea soup fogs in winter,
    Good on your Daughter for jumping in and helping with the delivery..
    take care. Jen


  4. Hi Janice ~~ Congrats to your daughter and her quick actions and she must be a natural. Sorry you are having such foggy and cold weather,
    but glad you are all OK at present. Thanks for your comments about the Nine Words Women Say. Too true !!
    Thanks for Australia Day wishes, nice of you. Take care, Love, Merle.


  5. Hi Jeanette and Merle,

    I’m very proud of my daughter and her quick actions, too bad she couldn’t say that one baby goat and she feel badly about that too.

    Right now our weather is real wet and it’s raining even as I write this.

    We get bloody hot here too, but we say “God awful hot” or as my dad would say “it’s hot as a firecracker.”

    Take care,
    Lady Jan~


  6. Good for your daughter and her quick thinking and actions.

    We’re soupy here too, as you probably know. Yesterday was beautiful and today seems to be starting out well but I’m not looking forward to next week.


  7. Hi Ann,

    I’m proud of her quick actions too.

    Our weather is still bad, there was a several storm warning today from 3:30-6:15 pm. But it was for the Tularie area but it was heading North toward us. It’s still very windy outside and I hope it is calm by morning.

    Stay dry,
    Lady Jan~


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