Updated Website

You might have noticed I’ve changed the look of my website. It all started when I did a little research and found my cover couple, and then the photographer, Ben Heys. He’s from Australia just like the hero in my book Windswept Shores. I found more of my cover couple in various poses and bought them, Yay!

My new header is of my cover couple in a different pose.

4 comments on “Updated Website

  1. Hi Janice,
    I love your new site! That’s great that you found other photos of your cover couple!

    I also wanted to say I got a kick out of the Australian Slang. My cousin just moved back to the States after living in Australia for 9 years. She says the funniest things and has to explain to me what they mean. Her 10 year old daughter has the cutest Aussie accent.

    I wish you much success with Windswept Shores & I’m looking forward to reading it 🙂



    • Hi Sandy,

      Thank you so much for stopping by. Yeah, I wondered if I can find out who the photographer is and if there are more photos of my cover couple. Then I just type in “sexy couple on beach” into googles search engine and there they were. Thank goodness for google I don’t know where I’d be without it, lol.

      I just love the Australian slang, too. And I made my hero an Aussie so I could use it, but had to do a lot of research to get it right. Lucky you, you get to hear it all the time with your sis and niece.

      I can’t tell you how much that means to me to hear you want to read it. You just made my day. 🙂



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