Cowboy and the Cowboy Hat

Cowboy hat photo by Janice Seagraves

Cowboy and the cowboy hats

By Janice Seagraves

For those of you writing cowboy romance stories, don’t forget the cowboy hat. Whether it’s a Stetson, Indiana Jones, Sheplers, or Henschel, made out of straw or felt, a cowboy isn’t a cowboy without his hat.

Cowboy hats help the cowboy to dress up or dress down, and are occasionally tucked up under a form fitted plastic cover for those rainy days.

Have you ever seen how a cowboy use his hat to show emotion?

  • Flinging down his hat can show anger or a desire to start a fight or finish one.
  • Shoving the hat to the back of his head can show surprise. In this way you can see more of his face and his raised eyebrows.
  • Lowering the brim over his eyes can show annoyance.
  • Leaning back and hiding his face with his hat, he can show embarrassment, disassociation with what’s being said or a desire to take a nap.
  • Removing the hat, he can lean in for a kiss.

8 comments on “Cowboy and the Cowboy Hat

  1. I love a man in a cowboy hat! 🙂 And a girl can use it to fan herself when she gets that hot kiss. 🙂


  2. Hi Melissa,

    Sure can. LOL.

    There is just something romantic about that hat. My hubby wears a black felt Stetson during the winter time. I need to get him a straw cowboy hat for the summer. 🙂



  3. As a true cowgirl, born and bred, one of my pet peeves is a cowboy hat that isn’t “right”. Meaning a stupid straw one all mashed up or one with a certain kind of hatband. A real cowboy wouldn’t be caught dead in some of the ones you see on book covers.


  4. I was hesitant on using a straw cowboy hat in one of my stories because I didn’t think it would make him a real ‘cowboy’ but after some research I finally bit the bullet and gave him one to wear while working under the hot sun.


  5. I write contemporary western romances (amongst other things) and I get so annoyed seeing covers with cowboys wearing hats that one would buy at a fashion store in the mall.


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